Thursday, August 26, 2010

Teatro Info Night Changes!

1ero, thanks to all the returning members for attending the meeting this week! Yes, it was long, pero we're off to a great start! Gracias!

2ndo, the fall 2010 Teatro Info Night has gone through some recent room y day changes: Thursday, 02/September/2010 at 07:00PM at P166 Lecture Hall. Originalmente, it was scheduled for Wednesday, 01/September/2010 at 07:00PM in MSR-130. So mark and update your calendarios !!!

Since the fall 2010 performance is right around the corner, a teatro meeting is still meeting on Wednesday, 01/September/2010 in MSR 200 (the second floor). At this meeting, we'll be reading the fall 2010 skits, so it's importante that ya'll attend.

Again, check back here for more updates! Stay hydrated teatro members!

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