Monday, November 3, 2008

Marissa Adilene Vasquez

Name: Marissa Adilene Vasquez

Contribution: Actriz

Member Since: Fall 2008

Hometown: Crowslanding, CA

How are you related to a campesino: My grandparents and parents worked in the field

Why did you join Teatro LHDC: This family friend, Elisa, told me and well I decided to join… And glad I did!

Other: I live on a goat dairy!


  1. Hola chica,

    You did such an awesome job... I did not even know that it was you, until Elisa told me. I am proud!

    Keep it up!


  2. Aww.. you look so cute in your pic, but not as CUTE & ADORABLE as your brother!!!
    - Marilu
