Sunday, November 23, 2008

More about Teatro...

What is Teatro LHDC: Teatro LHDC is a theatre troop of amateur CSUS students and Alumni Actors that perform short skits which relate to the Chicano/Latino community. All skits and plays are written and directed by our own members and performed for audiences of all ages in our communities and college campus including children.

Mission: Our overall mission is to promote Social, Cultural, Educational and Political awareness to our audiences by providing them with skits and plays that have impacting messages.

Previous Community Performances: CSUS Chicano Latino Youth Conference, Bret Harte Elementary, Ronald McDonald House, Stanford Children’s Hospital, MEChA Statewide CSU Sacramento, AMAE Banquet, Turlock High School, Aromas Elementary, Cesar Chavez Celebration @ Cesar Chavez H.S. Stockton, Manteca High School, MJC Hispanic Ed Conference, Osborn Elementary.

Fees: We accept any type of monetary donation. Our fees help our scholarship fund which awards CSUS Students each year. So far, Teatro LHDC has awarded close to $4,000 in scholarships over the last 3 years.

Booking: We are available Wednesday evenings and most weekends Friday-Sunday. We are available other days but the skits performed will depend on member availability.

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